
We provide childbirth education in the comfort and privacy of your own home, with sessions tailored to the couple’s individual needs.
I have supported hundreds of expectant mothers and delivered countless babies in hospital. We understand that expectant mothers can be nervous when attending education classes in a hospital atmosphere; as a result, we now provide expectant mothers (and their partners) with private antenatal, childbirth (and postnatal) education.
We’ll cover topics such as:
- Early Labour
- Labour and Birth
- Feeding Baby
- Postnatal period
- Adapting to Parenthood
- Support Networks and much more topics covered are outlined on the booking page.
Digital Support

Postnatal Home Visits

I offer a home visit once your beautiful baby arrives.
After baby is born, we can help you with:
- Newborn behaviour (and reading their cues)
- Mother Crafting Skills (wrapping techniques, nappy changing, bath care)
- Sleeping and settling techniques
- Strategies to enhance your own rest and sleep
- SIDS guidelines and safe sleeping
- Assist with feeding techniques
- Discuss emotional changes and the family unit and much more Topics covered are outlined on booking page
Having a baby is not easy and we help you to manage as you settle into your new lifestyle